KOLKATTA. Shri Anil Kumar Mishra, General Manager/SER along withDRMKharagpur Shri K R Chaudhary and other PHODs visited HaldiaDockComplex under Shyama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata (SMPK) on16.09.2023. The Dy. Chairman of HDC, Shri. A.K. Mehera, welcomedthevisiting guests and briefed them about the Port.
He exploredthedockbasin of HDC on vessel where Dy Chairman, HDC, explainedhimaboutthe cargo handling facilities available at the Port and projectsinthepipeline. Shri Anil Kumar Mishra, General Manager/SER along withDRMKharagpur Shri K R Chaudhary also inspected the DMUCoachFactory, Haldia Port, Sick Line & General Marshalling yard at Haldiaon16.09.2023.
A meeting was also held at Jawahar tower of Haldia Dock ComplexwithDeputy Chairman/Haldia Dock complex where initiatives werediscussedfor further strengthening the railway link between Port and S.E. Railwaywhich will expedite the delivery of rail borne cargo to and fromthePortand benefit the Importers and Exporters. Sri A K Mishra took cognizanceof the requirements placed by HDC, SMPK and has assuredtoextendfull support.